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1800 Reserva Coconut 700ml

1800's signature double-distilled Silver Tequila infused with natural, ripe coconut flavour. With its slightly-sweet and medium-bodied tropical taste, this versatile spirit is delicious on the rocks and also tastes great mixed with pineapple juice.

Buen Amigo Tequila Silver 750ml

Made from Tequilana Weber Agave in the Central Jalisco region. Extraction by roller mill, fermented in Mixto stainless steel tanks, and two times distilled in stainless steel pots. Buen Amigo Silver Tequila is young, intense, and with character, with a perfect balance between body and flavour. Ideal for use in prepared drinks, its intense taste is palatable.

Casa Don Ramón Mezcal Joven 750ml

Don Ramón Mezcal Joven is a transcendent expression of this category of hand-made spirits. Made from 100% Salmiana Agave from Zacatecas, Mexico that has been matured for 8-10 years, this clear spirit embodies the earthen smokiness of mezcal. A sip delights the palate with an awakening, yet balanced aroma of herbs, florals, and fresh citrus layered with a subtle fruity finish brought forth by the agave. For each Salmiana Agave harvested, Casa Don Ramón plants two more of the species in its place.

Cazcabel Blanco Tequila 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. At the heart of the Cazcabel range is our Blanco. A spirit fashioned from sun-baked blue weber agave from the heart of the Jalisco region. Fresh, crisp and with a rustic hit of earthy agave this tequila is truly one to be sipped and savoured.

El Jimador Tequila Añejo 700ml

El Jimador Añejo Tequila is a rich, full-bodied tequila. It's made with 100% blue Weber agave, double distilled and aged for 12 months in charred oak barrels. Experience the vanilla, hazelnut and cinnamon aromas with a slightly earthy flavour that features pepper notes and other spices in each el Jimador tequila bottle. Sip it straight, or use in a cocktail or Margarita.

El Jimador Tequila Blanco 700ml

Young and fresh, el Jimador Blanco Tequila steps up with truly authentic character. It's made with 100% hand-harvested blue Weber agave and double distilled with sparkling clarity. el Jimador perfected the skills to produce a spirit so rich in flavour that every sip comes to life. Crisp and buzzing with citrus flavours, take a sip or shake it up.

El Jimador Tequila Reposado 700ml

el Jimador Reposado begins with 100% hand-harvested blue Weber agave, naturally fermented and double distilled. Then it enjoys a two-month siesta in their own handmade American oak barrels until the perfect moment. The results are worth the wait: an exquisite golden tone, warm seasoned flavours and a smooth, confident agave flavour that really shines through.

Herradura Blanco Tequila 700ml

Herradura Blanco owes its distinctly sweet taste of agave and subtle oak notes to resting for an impressive 45 days beyond the industry standard in American White Oak barrels. The prolonged aging process creates a light straw color with a unique, robust aroma of cooked agave, vanilla and wood that leaves your mouth feeling smooth and refreshed.

Jose Cuervo Especial Gold Tequila 700ml

Jose Cuervo Especial Gold is a blend of Reposado and younger tequilas. The result is a well-balanced, smooth tequila.

Jose Cuervo Especial Silver Tequila 700ml

A true silver tequila, Cuervo Silver is the epitome of smooth. The master distillers at La Rojena crafted this unique and balanced blend to bring out tones of agave, caramel, and fresh herbs in its flavor profile. Jose Cuervo Especial Silver is made with blue agave. With its rich, volcanic soil, abundant pure spring water and temperate climate, the highest quality blue agave is transformed by the family into a fine spirit that yields clean, crisp and smooth tequila.

Jose Cuervo Tradicional Reposado Tequila 700ml

It has been aged in oak barrels for a minimum of two months, giving it the smooth and subtle complexity that aficionados seek. radicional is the original Cuervo® tequila, and still proves a favourite in Mexico.

Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver 700ml

Tradicional Silver is made with 100% blue agave. It is irresistibly refined. When bottled, a special process is used to conserve its flavor and finish at freezing temperatures. This means that it can, and should, be kept chilled in the freezer and served as a crisp, smooth, frozen shot.
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